Friday, September 25, 2009

Food for Thought

Since my mind is bouncing around like a ping-pong ball today, it's the perfect time for a quick "Food for Thought" update:
  • To get vaccinated, or not to get vaccinated? The CDC recommends that everyone ages six months through 24 years get an H1N1 vaccination, even though people in the 19-24 range are usually pretty safe from any dangerous health complications from the flu. I've never gotten a flu shot and have only had the flu twice that I can remember, with more than 10 years between bouts. I'm still not entirely convinced I need one, since I'm healthy and will be out of that age group in five months anyway. What do you think, are you getting a swine flu vaccine?
  • Remember my quarrel with Metro? Things haven't gotten much better, but a friend of mine over at Eco-City Alexandria was inspired to air his grievances as well after reading my letter, and wrote a wittier, more comprehensive complaint.
  • I've refrained from copious TIME references for the last couple of weeks, so I'm going to subject you to my love of the magazine again. Just so you don't forget it's out there! The September 21st edition has some great stuff about sustainability and the rise of responsible consumerism, and one of my favorite articles was their spotlight on "Responsibility Pioneers." From an Australian town installing water fountains and banning bottled water to inexpensive stoves that burn straw instead of coal in rural China, people the world over are embracing both the environment and their fellow man.
  • Also in TIME - did you know that spending time with humans has led dogs to develop social intelligence? That's why they know what object you mean when you say "Where's your ball, Spot?" and are the only animal that can follow your pointing finger. (This explains why Nala ends up looking at me like I'm crazy when I try to point to something...)
  • My friend Lars' animated short is still battling for first place in FOX's Aniboom competition. "CLASS: The Valentine's Day Special" is currently in 11th place (and has been as high as 2nd!) - if you haven't watched it yet, check it out before the contest closes on Wednesday.


Gina said...

No swine flu shot for me, although colds run like wildfire through the teaching hospital so we were all encouraged to get one. Oh well. I like TIME too but have been very disgusted with them and all their bullshit "green food" propaganda. Check out this gem of an article:,8599,1917458,00.html
You probably saw this already as it was on the cover in August. Non-farmers need to stay out of the business of farmers, because they have no clue about anything involving horticulture or animal agriculture, or what it takes to raise and grow food for a growing population. Nothing said in that article was even close to true, and the organic movement is actually the most dangerous thing there is as far as our food supply goes, not to mention preventing food animal cruelty. Don't even get me started on that one...the worst cruelty I have ever seen have been on organic farms. No antibiotics or other drugs=no treatment for sick animals=die a horrible and very much preventable death. "Sustainable" is just a word that ignorant people like to use to promote their own vegan agenda because they don't actually know anything about farming on a large scale. Ugh, I sound like a Republican, ha ha, but when it comes to farming and so-called organic foods, the conservative views are the ones that are more accurate. Check this out:

Jessalyn Pinneo said...

Gina - I read "The Omnivore's Delusion Against the Agri-Intellectuals" when you posted it on Facebook awhile ago, and was really interested. I've always been torn because publications like TIME make "sustainability" in regard to food sound like such a good thing, but the reaction from people who work in agriculture is largely negative. Since I know absolutely nothing about it first-hand, I tend to take your word for it! You may "sound like a Republican" but everything you say makes complete sense. Based on the large number of letters to the editor in response to the TIME article, it sounds like the majority of people in agri-business agree with you. And your comment about organic actually being fairly cruel to animals makes a lot of sense - I hadn't thought of it that way before!

I think buying locally makes more sense than organically - regardless of how "good" for you something is or isn't, buying organic bananas from South America in Virginia isn't doing the environment much good in the long run. And if you eat good food that isn't crazy over-processed, it doesn't need to be "organic" to be healthy anyway.